Before doing that, you can use the utility to evaluate the new cluster’s performance by replaying your past workloads too, which integrates with the Amazon Redshift Simple Replay utility to evaluate performance metrics for different Amazon Redshift configurations to meet your needs. If you’re already using Amazon Redshift and want to migrate from your existing DC2 or DS2 instances to RA3, you may follow our recommendations on node count and type when upgrading.
Node sizeĪ very common question we get from customers is “Which RA3 instance type and number of nodes should we choose for our workload?” In this post, we answer that question with the following two-step process: Many customers start their workload on Amazon Redshift with RA3 instances as their default choice, which currently offers three node sizes. Amazon Redshift RA3 with managed storage is the newest instance type in Amazon Redshift, which allows you to scale and pay for compute and storage independently, and also allows advanced features like AQUA (Advanced Query Accelerator), cross-cluster data sharing, and cross-Availability Zone cluster relocation. This post was last reviewed and updated May, 2022 to include a new section for limitations and additional details around access permissions and security.Īmazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed, widely popular cloud data warehouse that offers different node types to meet the flexible workload patterns of our customers.